Previous Winners:

2022- Toya Kelley MD 

2021- Susan Laffan, CCHP-A, CCHP-RN

2020- Mary V. Muse, MS, RN, CCHP-A, CCHP-RN

2019 - Sue Smith, RN


2023- Margaret Collatt Service Award Winner- Dr. Lori Roscoe

The Academy of Correctional Health Professionals would like to congratulate Dr. Roscoe, DNP, PhD, APRN, ANP-C, CCHP-RN, for being this years Margaret Collatt Award Winner! Dr. Roscoe is a clinical nurse practitioner and nurse educator specializing in the field of correctional nursing and healthcare. Through her company, Correctional HealthCare Consultants LLC, Dr. Roscoe provides consulting services to jails and prisons across the United States in all aspects of healthcare operations and nursing practice. She also reviews legal matters as an expert in correctional healthcare, correctional nursing, and correctional provider standard of care.

 Dr. Roscoe offers The Correctional Nurse Educator, an online education program that offers  accredited continuing education that is specialized for Correctional Nurses, and her blog. Dr. Roscoe is a frequent national presenter on a wide variety of topics important to correctional nursing practice, including clinical judgment, patient advocacy, and clinical updates about health conditions often seen in the correctional health environment.

"Thank you so much for awarding me the Margaret Collatt Service Award for 2023. It is truly an honor! Education has always been very important to me – in fact, I was a teacher before I returned to school and became a nurse, and throughout my career I have tried to emphasize the importance of continuing professional development and lifelong learning to everyone with whom I interact. I very fortunately stumbled into correctional nursing 28 years ago, and it has been a wonderful career thus far. I have seen remarkable positive changes in correctional nursing recognition as a specialty; and in correctional nursing professionalism and practice, and I believe education of both correctional nurses and our colleagues outside the wall played a huge part in this elevation of our specialty. It is also due to organizations like the Academy that support correctional nursing and correctional healthcare.

This award is even more meaningful because I knew Margaret, and always valued her thoughtful contributions to whatever project we were working on. The fact that the Academy believes that my contributions to Correctional Nursing are worthy of this award is incredible, and very much appreciated! Again, thank you for this recognition."

-Dr. Lori Roscoe

Information for Nominators

The Margaret Collatt Service Award recognizes a member of the ACHP who has made exceptional contributions to correctional healthcare by their service to professional education and training within the field.

The purpose of this award is to emphasize and highlight the commitment of Academy members to contributing to the excellence of the current and future professional correctional healthcare workforce.


Candidates for this award must have demonstrated:

  • Exceptional service to the field of correctional healthcare via educational or training activities,
  • A generosity of time and/or skills either formally or through their everyday work and participation in correctional health education or training, and
  • Leadership, dedication, and/or innovation in educational and training activities within the field.

Examples of such service might include (but are not limited to) curriculum or training content development, in-person or online education, one-on-one mentoring, leadership in organizational training programs or activities, or research and publication related to education for correctional health professionals.


To be eligible to receive this award, an individual must be a current member of the ACHP in good standing.


Margaret Collatt Service Award




To nominate an ACHP member for this award, please complete the form below by September 20th 2024.

Award and Recognition

The award recipient will be honored with:

  • A distinguished plaque
  • $100 gift card
  • Registration to the 2024 NCCHC Fall Conference. Courtesy of NCCHC.

The recipient will be recognized during the ACHP annual meeting. It is ACHP’s expectation that the recipient attends the NCCHC Fall Conference, if at all possible. The Academy seeks to minimize the financial burden of this request by covering conference registration and a hotel stay.

The recipient will be notified in September, and will be recognized in ACHP communications and during the NCCHC Fall Conference.